Friends of The Ice Lions

The Kenya Ice Lions jersey is available for our local (Kenya) and international fans (Shipped from Canada by The Friendship League).

A portion of the proceeds will be used to fund the ice hockey program in Kenya.

Shop Local (Kenya Only)

Shop Local

Buy your jersey from Kenya for Kes. 8000.

Pickup only at the Solar Ice Rink, Panari on Wednesday night and Saturday morning.

Shop International

International Sales

Buy your jersey from The Friendship League Shop for USD 110.

Shipped from Canada.

3 Goalies
3 Practice Days
30 Senior Players
40 Junior Players



L'hoquei gel 🏒 es juga en moltíssimes parts del món 🌎 però segurament un dels llocs més sorprenents és Kenya 🇰🇪, país on els @ken_icehockey 🦁 intenten fer-se un lloc en l'esport 'gelat'. #hockey
Autora ✍🏻 de l'article: @osodegominola

Read All About It! The Kenya Ice Lions get a chapter in Dave Hill’s quirky & hilarious book on his global hockey quest. A great read and, as always, a huge Asante Sana to our craziest fan! It’s available on Amazon. @mrdavehill @ken_icehockey

Meet Charlie, the goalie bringing @ken_icehockey to the Olympics!

We spent the full day with them while in Cape Town for a @TheFriendLeague tournament. Full video right here:

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